Food and Environmental Allergies
We are grateful to have found Dr. Rhodes and IHC. My son Nicholas suffered for years with outdoor and food allergies. His symptoms ranged from skin rashes and irritability to insomnia and difficulty concentrating. He even had bouts of stomach problems.
Since starting treatment, most of his symptoms have either disappeared of have drastically reduced. We were skeptical when we started treatment-but we are now believers!
Kathy S.
This seems like a good day to tell all of you at Integrative Health Care how much I appreciate your help, patience, and educational information during the time I have been treated here.
I had experienced pain in my hips from time to time over the last 15 years, but managed to keep it in check through Chiropractic care and exercise. Then last November I began experiencing pain and numbness in my left foot and ankle area. This would continue and spread to include my knee and hip. Soon I found I was compromising daily for my pain and restricted range of movement. After a sleepless month, and limping when exiting my car, I decided to begin treatment at I.H.C. in January 2003.
Thankfully I received relief with in the first month. Due to my schedule I had a few breaks in treatment. Triumphantly I report no pain and full range of motion six months after beginning my treatments.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Diane L.
A year ago, our daughter Mariah was taking three different medications to help her deal with seasonal allergies. We are amazed that this season she has not required one of those medications in order to participate in her outdoor activities. Throughout the year, Mariah also endures several episodes of acute spasmodic croup, which seem to be precipitated by common viruses.
Traditionally, we have treated these episodes with steroids. Since beginning her NAET treatments at the beginning of this calendar year, she has not needed to take her steroid and any of her 'cold' symptoms have been treatable with homeopathic remedies. We are grateful to the staff at Integrative Health. Mariah has never been healthier!
Marianne and Michael T.