How do allergies relate to my health issues?
Most of us are familiar with the most common symptoms of allergic reactions, symptoms like nasal or sinus congestion, hives, itchy eyes, or even symptoms that are life-threatening such as swelling of the throat. What many people are not aware of, are the various other allergic responses. An allergic reaction is any adverse symptom or any imbalance created in the body as a result of inhaling, ingesting or coming into contact with anything your body perceive as harmful. As a result, many health issues or chronic disease states may be associated with an allergic reaction. Some of the less known symptoms of allergic reactions may be behavioral such as attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, or mood swings. Other symptoms may include asthma, migraine, digestive disorders, sleeplessness or over sleeping, muscular or joint pain, eczema, and fatigue.
How long will the program take?
There are a number of considerations when estimating the length of a protocol. Although many people may have the same symptoms, the cause may differ from individual to individual. The root cause of an individual's symptoms will influence the length of time it takes to return to health. Other contributing factors are the age of the patient and length of time an individual has had symptoms. The more pro-active a patient is the better their results. Patients can help themselves by eating a healthy diet, avoiding toxins, and exercising on a regular basis.
How can I learn more about allergy and intolerances elimination, acupuncture or Jaffe-Mellor Technique?
Many people as they begin treatment or are interested in starting want to learn more about what they will be experiencing. This is something I encourage. Statistics show that the more interest a patient takes in their health care the better their results. For this reason, our office holds two healthcare classes for patients that are new to the office or for anyone interested in finding out more about alternative healthcare. There are books and videos available that may be helpful. Complimentry, informative discussion groups are also held at the IHC office. For more information about our healthcare classes or the books mentioned above contact our office at 215-230-4600. Our office also has numerous published articles that are available to the public.
What can I do at home to improve my health?
Eliminate food additives and preservatives from your diet, eliminate toxic chemicals from your environment, have a set of coping tools available to handle stress, and maintain a preventative healthcare schedule.