I received my training in podiatric medicine from Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine and continued in the Temple medical system for my residency in podiatric orthopedics. After my residency, I joined Cathy Goldstein in her practice in Fountainville. Since joining Integrative Health Care I have continued my training in Allergy Elimination, Jaffe-Mellor Technique, Neuro- Emotional Technique, and Neuro- Organizational Technique.
Many people ask me how or why I became interested in alternative medicine, and how I made the transition from traditional medicine to alternative medicine, During my daily activities as both a podiatric student and resident, I was routinely coming into contact with patients who had chronic ailments that traditional medical modalities of treatment were unsuccessful in treating. It seemed to me that there had to be better options for these chronically ill people, Since I came from a family of non-traditional health care practitioners it was easy for me to make the transition from traditional to non-traditional. A transition I was glad I made.
My mission as a health care practitioner and the mission of this office is to help as many people as possible by not only treating as many patients as I am able but, to be a source of information so that patients can learn how to live a healthy lifestyle and prevent further illness, and to help educate our patients so they can tell the people they love about the alternatives to their healthcare.