Restoring Quality to Life
Let your Practitioner Help Stop Your Pain with This Revolutionary Breakthrough in Healthcare
Significantly reduces, and in most cases, eliminates up to 100% of the pain of osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disease without drugs, supplements, herbs, medication, manipulation, topical applications, or dietary changes.
What is JMT™?
JMT™ is an abbreviation for Jaffe-Mellor Technique, which is the successful result of years of intensive clinical research. Its founders are Carolyn Jaffe, Doctor of Acupuncture and Ph.D. candidate in Naturopathy, and Judith Mellor, RN, Ph.D. candidate in Nutrition and certified Chinese medical herbalist.
JMT™ is a Revolutionary New Bioenergetic Technique which consistently demonstrates a significant reduction, and in most cases, up to 100% elimination from pain and symptoms associated with osteoarthritis and other degenerative bone disorders, as well as a 70% and higher reduction, and in many cases, up to 100% relief from the pain and symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, Chron's myasthenia gravis, CFIDS, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and many other autoimmune disorders.
Most clients/patients experience a remarkably high level of pain relief; however, long term use of steroids, and drugs, could reduce the percentage of relied in some clients/patients.