Intention Based Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Promising Results of a
Wait List Control Study in Children
... Read the full article by clicking here.
Restoring Health Naturally – Neuromodulation Tecnique
Have you ever been introduced to something so exciting and stimulating that you want to tell everyone you meet? You want everyone to have this information because you know it is information they can benefit from. Well, I have been fortunate enough to be one of those people who have learned of a fairly new alternative treatment for many chronic and acute conditions such as pain, injury, migraines, irritable bowel, reoccurring illness, asthma, allergies, fatigue, eczema, and emotional disturbances. Read the full article by clicking here.
Terror in A Nutshell
Hayley Kornbleuth's allergy used to be so severe; she couldn't be in the same room with a peanut. But that was before she visited the "energy" doctor. Read the ‘Terror In a Nutshell’ article by clicking here.
Toxins – The Addictive Effect
To you experience unaccountable symptoms of migraines, headaches, seasonal allergies, muscle or joint pain? Are feelings of depression, nervousness or sudden anger present for an unknown reason? All of these symptoms can be caused or attributed to the ‘additive effect’ of toxins.
Imagine your body as a barrel that begins empty at birth. As you continue to grow and interact with the world, you are exposed to many toxins that fill this barrel. Once the barrel reaches its full capacity and begins to overflow, we experience symptoms such as headaches, chronic pain and allergies that were not prevalent in the past. On a wellness scale, these symptoms indicate that the immune system is functioning at approximately 35 percent. This decrease in immune system function leads to frequent illness, longer sickness and an increase in overall symptoms. Read the full article by clicking here.