Talking to the body ------- REALLY??
We started coming to Dr. Rhodes through a referral of a friend. My friend's son had similar health issues as my son who at the time was 4. My son had 3 sets of ear tubes by this point; he had asthma and allergies that required him to be on singular, flovent and xopenex inhalers. He had constant infections and antibiotics and just couldn't seem to get out of this cycle. We were coming up on yet another surgery and I just couldn't take the thought of this situation to keep going on and on. So we thought we have to try something else, why not give this a shot. I believe I have an open mind but found the whole idea of NMT a bit weird and different, we decided lets invest in the process for a couple of months it really has to be better than all the drugs this little guy was on (which by the way altered his mood and mind terribly). We saw dramatic results in a couple of months and were able to get him off of a lot of the medicines he was on and decrease the amount of the others. What a difference in behavior as well, he was a whole different child, a much calmer and happier one too.
We decided to really put the NMT to the test and on several occasions my son had an ear infection and we went to the pediatricians office and was given a script for an anti-biotic, then came to Dr. Rhodes had her treat him and yahoo he was fine and we never gave him the antibiotic.
Since we met with such success with my one son we decided to treat my other two boys who have allergies. One was lactose intolerant and would get sick from ice-cream or even pizza both which he can enjoy now. He also had really bad eczema, which has gotten much better. My youngest son has been a patient since he was less than a year old and is now 7 and has been on antibotics once.
Finally, it was my turn to give the process a try. When my children started coming to Dr. Rhodes, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. A year and a half later I had an unusual knee surgery an was told never to run with my knee again. I was tired all the time, had many allergies, and digestive problems. After NMT and Acupuncture along with my supplement therapy I am finally at a point in my life that I actually feel great! My knee is doing well, I am actually teaching aqua-aerobic classes. My allergies are down considerably, my energy is up, my digestion has improved and I am a better mom and happier person now that I feel good!
My thought on giving "holistic medicine" a chance is this, what have you got to loose?? I had cancer doing western medicine and I felt awful. Why not try another avenue that has helped many others and my own children, I want to be proactive in my families health journey and I want to know that I didn't just sit back and wait for the next illness to hit me and I did nothing to prevent it. I try to change small things at first like foods and products we use as much as possible. We all still go to our "Western Doctors" and get shots and take medicine as necessary (which isn't nearly as often). I believe everything in moderation will get you through! (continued)