Do you experience unaccountable symptoms of migraines, headaches, seasonal allergies, digestive disorders, insomnia, muscle or joint pain? Are feelings of depression, nervousness or sudden anger present for unknown reasons? You may be experiencing toxic overload. We are exposed to an ever-growing amount of contaminants in our modern word, which make living a toxic free life virtually impossible. Have you ever considered how these chemicals are affecting your body? As products of our culture we have adopted the faster and bigger is better mentality, but what cost is this to our health and well being?
Of course there are ways to encourage detoxification. Some of these methods require strict diets, handfuls of supplements, and can result in detoxifying crisis. One method that I have found to be extremely safe, free of side effects, very effective, and relaxing is ionic cleanse. How does an ionic cleanse work? This method of detoxification realigns and rebalances the body's energy field allowing the body to function at a higher level. Greater function results in purging of toxins and cellular waste products. Ionic cleanse works by decreasing the surface tension of water allowing the body to absorb highly oxygenated water. An increase in oxygen stimulates cellular function and detoxification.