This therapeutic modality, coined NeuroModulation Technique (NMT), was developed by a chiropractor from Hermiston, Oregon, Dr. Leslie Feinberg, who has practiced earlier modalities of energetic medicine. Dr. Feinberg for many years has trained and practiced alternative therapies that may be familiar to you. These therapies include Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination (allergy desensitization), Jaffe-Mellor Technique (utilized for auto-immune diseases), N.E.T. (neuro-emotional technique), and Total Body Modification (nutritional therapy). Dr. Feinberg has drawn from the specialties of these various techniques and along with extensive research in neuroanatomy developed this technique that addresses a wide range of conditions. As you may have gathered, this is a unique system of healing based upon a meld of modern medical theory and ancient Chinese medical knowledge.
We all have the innate knowledge or capacity to heal. Sometimes this knowledge becomes blocked and we need help in removing these blockages. Imagine a garden hose with water running through it. If you bend the hose the water is unable to continue running through to the end. Our bodies are similar to this, if a block occurs in the communication system of our body the knowledge of healing becomes blocked. The internal controls of our body cannot return to a natural state of health. NMT facilitates the return of health by removing blockages in the internal control system of the body in a completely safe and noninvasive manner.
What are some of the things that cause these blockages? Blocks can occur as a result of confusion of the immune, nervous, endocrine or other systems. These systems may become confused as a result of invaders foreign to the body. Foreign invaders including allergens, infectious micro-organisms and toxins may cause auto immune diseases, inflammation of the tissues, allergic reactions or congestion of the organs and lymphatic system. Blockages may also occur as a result of emotional or mental stress, and environmental or physical challenges.
Who is a candidate for NMT?
There is no one who cannot receive help from NMT. This style of therapy is used for many symptoms of disease from minor allergies to more extreme allergic reactions. NMT has been helpful in relieving symptoms associated with auto-immune diseases, hormonal imbalances, emotional distress, irritable bowel, asthma, chronic pain, and many other conditions. Because this therapy is painless and non-invasive it is a great alternative for children and infants.